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MSRI Preprints: 1995

The MSRI preprint series in years 1995–2005. Please consult the Author Index or go directly to the desired year.

1995 - 1996 - 1997 - 1998 - 1999 - 2000 - 2001 - 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - Author Index

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A User's Guide to the Mapping Class Group: Once Punctured Surfaces
Lee Mosher
MSRI Preprint #1995-001

Explicit Formulas for the Waldspurger and Bessel Models
Daniel Bump, Solomon Friedberg, and Masaaki Furusawa
MSRI Preprint #1995-002

Forced Lattice Vibrations: A Videotext
Percy Deift, Thomas Kriecherbauer and Stephanos Venakides
MSRI Preprint #1995-003
Note: This is the textbook part of this work. The video with accompanying printed guide can be ordered from MSRI.

A Comparison of Continuously Controlled and Controlled K-theory
Douglas R. Anderson, Francis X. Connolly, and Hans J. Munkholm
MSRI Preprint #1995-004

One can't hear orientability of surfaces
Pierre Bérard and David L. Webb
MSRI Preprint #1995-005

Graph-Based Logic and Sketches 1: The General Framework
Atish Bagchi and Charles Wells
MSRI Preprint #1995-006

The Structure and Enumeration of Link Projections
Martin Bridgeman
MSRI Preprint #1995-007

The Dimension of the Space of Cusp Forms of Weight One
William Duke
MSRI Preprint #1995-008

On Calculations of Zeros of Various $L$-functions
Hiroyuki Yoshida
MSRI Preprint #1995-009

R-groups and elliptic representations for similitude groups
David Goldberg
MSRI Preprint #1995-010

Rational maps whose Fatou components are Jordan domains
Kevin Pilgrim
MSRI Preprint #1995-011

Conformal Characters and Theta Series
Wolgang Eholzer and Nils-Peter Skoruppa
MSRI Preprint #1995-012

Tiling a rectangle with the fewest squares
Richard Kenyon
MSRI Preprint #1995-013

A note on tiling with integer-sided rectangles
Richard Kenyon
MSRI Preprint #1995-014

Eigenfunctions on the Finite Poincaré Plane
Jinghua Kuang
MSRI Preprint #1995-015

Matrix Vieta Theorem
Dmitry Fuchs and Albert Schwarz
MSRI Preprint #1995-016

Mean Values of the Logarithmic Derivative of the zeta Function and the GUE Hypothesis
David W. Farmer
MSRI Preprint #1995-017

Lifting orthogonal representations to spin groups and local root numbers
Dipendra Prasad and Dinakar Ramakrishnan
MSRI Preprint #1995-018

The Fundamental Lemma for the Shalika Subgroup of GL(4)
Solomon Friedberg and Hervé Jacquet
MSRI Preprint #1995-019

Approximation of analytic functions with prescribed boundary conditions by circle packing maps
Tomasz Dubejko
MSRI Preprint #1995-020

On the Asymptotic Behavior of Counting Functions Associated to Degenerating Hyperbolic Riemann Surfaces
Jonathan Huntley, Jay Jorgenson and Rolf Lundelius
MSRI Preprint #1995-021

Log Sarkisov Program
Andrea Bruno and Kenji Matsuki
MSRI Preprint #1995-022

A New Construction of Isospectral Riemannian Nilmanifolds with Examples
Ruth Gornet
MSRI Preprint #1995-023

On Quasiconvex Subgroups of Negatively Curved Groups
Rita Gitik
MSRI Preprint #1995-024

An extension of Hecke's converse theorem
J. B. Conrey and David W. Farmer
MSRI Preprint #1995-025

Dynamics of quadratic polynomials, I: Combinatorics and geometry of the Yoccoz puzzle.
Mikhail Lyubich
MSRI Preprint #1995-026

Heights of Subgroups
Rita Gitik and Eliyahu Rips
MSRI Preprint #1995-027

Geometric Zeta Functions, $L^2$-Theory, and Compact Shimura Manifolds
Anton Deitmar
MSRI Preprint #1995-028

Existence of Orbifolds IV: Examples
Paul Feit
MSRI Preprint #1995-029

Generalized Kummer congruences and $p$-adic families of motives
Alexei A. Panchishkin
MSRI Preprint #1995-030

Nielsen generating sets and quasiconvexity of subgroups
Rita Gitik
MSRI Preprint #1995-031

Galois representations and modular forms
Kenneth A. Ribet
MSRI Preprint #1995-032

Geodesic conjugacy in two-step nilmanifolds
Carolyn Gordon and Yiping Mao
MSRI Preprint #1995-033

Dynamics of quadratic polynomials: Complex bounds for real maps
Mikhail Lyubich and Michael Yampolsky
MSRI Preprint #1995-034

On the search of genuine $p$-adic modular $L$-functions for GL($n$)
Haruzo Hida
MSRI Preprint #1995-035

Filling-invariants at infinity for manifolds of nonpositive curvature
Noel Brady and Benson Farb
MSRI Preprint #1995-036

Arithmeticity, Discreteness and Volume
F. W. Gehring, C. Maclachlan, G. J. Martin, A. W. Reid
MSRI Preprint #1995-037

On the Margulis Constant for Kleinian Groups, I
F. W. Gehring and G. J. Martin
MSRI Preprint #1995-038

Commuting polynomials and polynomials with same Julia set
Pau Atela and Jun Hu
MSRI Preprint #1995-039

Recurrent random walks, Liouville's theorem, and circle packings
Tomasz Dubejko
MSRI Preprint #1995-040

Lectures on the Arthur–Selberg Trace Formula
Steve Gelbart
MSRI Preprint #1995-041

Totally Disconnected Julia Sets
Peter Makienko
MSRI Preprint #1995-042

Homeomorphisms between Limbs of the Mandelbrot Set
Bodil Branner and Núria Fagella
MSRI Preprint #1995-043

The second bounded cohomology of a group with infinitely many ends
Koji Fujiwara
MSRI Preprint #1995-044

Survey of Spectra of Laplacians on Finite Symmetric Spaces
Audrey Terras
MSRI Preprint #1995-045

Exceptional Theta-correspondences I
Kay Magaard and Gordan Savin
MSRI Preprint #1995-046

The Construction of Self-Similar Tilings
Richard Kenyon
MSRI Preprint #1995-047

Graphs and Separability Properties of Groups
Rita Gitik
MSRI Preprint #1995-048

Bounds on Volume Increase under Dehn Drilling Operations
Martin Bridgeman
MSRI Preprint #1995-049

On the Mumford–Tate Conjecture for Abelian Varieties with Reduction Conditions
Alex Lesin
MSRI Preprint #1995-050

An embedding of $\mathbb C$ in $\mathbb C^2$ with hyperbolic complement
Gregery T. Buzzard and John Erik Fornæss
MSRI Preprint #1995-051

Compositional roots of Hénon maps
Gregery T. Buzzard and John Erik Fornæss
MSRI Preprint #1995-052

Widths of Subgroups
Rita Gitik and Mahan Mitra and Eliyahu Rips and Michah Sageev
MSRI Preprint #1995-053

Circle Packings in the Unit Disc
Tomasz Dubejko
MSRI Preprint #1995-054

A presentation for the image of Burau(4) tensor $\mathbb Z_2$
Daryl Cooper and D. Darren Long
MSRI Preprint #1995-055

Quasigeodesic Flows in Hyperbolic Three-Manifolds
Sérgio Fenley and Lee Mosher
MSRI Preprint #1995-056

Torsion in Rank-1 Drinfeld Modules and the Uniform Boundedness Conjecture
Bjorn Poonen
MSRI Preprint #1995-057

On the central critical value of the triple product L-function
Siegfried Böcherer and Rainer Schulze-Pillot
MSRI Preprint #1995-058

On the equation $a^p + 2^alpha b^p + c^p =0$
Kenneth Ribet
MSRI Preprint #1995-059

The Number of Intersection Points Made by the Diagonals of a Regular Polygon
Bjorn Poonen and Michael Rubinstein
MSRI Preprint #1995-060

Fractional Power Series and Pairings on Drinfeld Modules
Bjorn Poonen
MSRI Preprint #1995-061

Cycles of Quadratic Polynomials and Rational Points on a Genus-Two Curve
E. V. Flynn, Bjorn Poonen, Edward F. Schaefer
MSRI Preprint #1995-062

Local connectivity of the Mandelbrot set at certain infinitely renormalizable points
Yunping Jiang
MSRI Preprint #1995-063

Complete Embedded Minimal Surfaces of Finite Total Curvature
David Hoffman and Hermann Karcher
MSRI Preprint #1995-064

Projective structures with discrete holonomy representations
Hiroshige Shiga and Harumi Tanigawa
MSRI Preprint #1995-065

Random walks of circle packings
Tomasz Dubejko
MSRI Preprint #1995-066

Construction géométrique de representations de Weil sur un corps fini
José Pantoja and Jorge Soto-Andrade
MSRI Preprint #1995-067

Grafting, harmonic maps, and projective structures on surfaces
Harumi Tanigawa
MSRI Preprint #1995-068

On Combinatorial Descriptions of Homotopy Groups of $\Sigma K(\pi,1)$
Jie Wu
MSRI Preprint #1995-069

On the Homology of Configuration Spaces $C((M,M_o)\times {\mathbb R}^n; X)$
Jie Wu
MSRI Preprint #1995-070

Symmetry via Spherical Reflection and Spanning Drops in a Wedge
John McCuan
MSRI Preprint #1995-071

On measure and Hausdorff dimension of Julia sets for holomorphic Collet–Eckmann maps
Feliks Przytycki
MSRI Preprint #1995-072

Harmonic Analysis on the Finite Twisted Poincaré Upper Half Plane
Jorge Soto-Andrade and Jorge Vargas
MSRI Preprint #1995-073

Zeta Functions of finite graphs and coverings
H. M. Stark and A. A. Terras
MSRI Preprint #1995-074

Reinhardt Domains with Non-Compact Automorphism Groups
Siqi Fu, Alexander V. Isaev and Steven G. Krantz
MSRI Preprint #1995-075

Finite Type Conditions on Reinhardt Domains
Siqi Fu, Alexander V. Isaev and Steven G. Krantz
MSRI Preprint #1995-076

The Marked Length Spectrum Versus the Laplace Spectrum on Forms on Riemannian Nilmanifolds
Ruth Gornet
MSRI Preprint #1995-077

Siegel Modular Forms and Theta Series attached to quaternion algebras II
Siegfried Böcherer and Rainer Schulze-Pillot
MSRI Preprint #1995-078

On Combinatorial Calculations for the James–Hopf maps
Jie Wu
MSRI Preprint #1995-079

A Product Decomposition of $\Omega^3_0\Sigma{\mathbb R}P^2$
Jie Wu
MSRI Preprint #1995-080

The Renormalization Method and Quadratic-Like Maps
Yunping Jiang
MSRI Preprint #1995-081

On vanishing sums for roots of unity
Tsit-Yuen Lam and K. H. Leung
MSRI Preprint #1995-082

Douglas Algebras That Have No Maximal Subalgebra and No Minimal Superalgebra
Carroll Guillory
MSRI Preprint #1995-083

Nonexistence of Continuous Peaking Functions
Jiye Yu
MSRI Preprint #1995-084

Complete interpolating sequences for Paley–Wiener spaces and Muckenhoupt's $(A_p)$ condition
Yurii I. Lyubarskii and Kristian Seip
MSRI Preprint #1995-085

The Monodromy Groups of Schwarzian Equations on Compact Riemann Surfaces
Daniel Gallo, Michael Kapovich and Albert Marden
MSRI Preprint #1995-086

Continuity properties of best analytic approximation
Vladimir Peller and Nicholas J. Young
MSRI Preprint #1995-087

Classification of $N$-(super)-extended Poincaré algebras and bilinear invariants of the spinor representation of $Spin(br,q)$
Dmitry V. Alekseevsky and Vicente Cortés
MSRI Preprint #1995-088

Some results on the admissible representations of non-connected reductive $p$-adic groups
David Goldberg and Rebecca Herb
MSRI Preprint #1995-089

Bourgain algebras, minimal envelopes, minimal support sets, and some applications
Carroll Guillory
MSRI Preprint #1995-090

Relative cohomology of Banach algebras
Zinaida A. Lykova
MSRI Preprint #1995-091

A Hilbert space of Dirichlet series and systems of dilated functions in $L^2(0,1)$
Håkan Hedenmalm, Peter Lindqvist, and Kristian Seip
MSRI Preprint #1995-092

Two Distinguished Subspaces of Product BMO and the Nehari–AAK Theory for Hankel Operators on the Torus
Mischa Cotlar and Cora Sadosky
MSRI Preprint #1995-093

Regularity of Holomorphic Correspondences and Applications to the Mapping Problems
Xiaojun Huang
MSRI Preprint #1995-094

Some conditions on Douglas algebras that imply the invariance of the minimal envelope map
Carroll Guillory
MSRI Preprint #1995-095

Local Solvability For a Class of Partial Differential Operators With Double Characteristics
Michael Christ and Georgi Karadzhov
MSRI Preprint #1995-096

Global Irregularity For Degenerate Elliptic Operators
Michael Christ
MSRI Preprint #1995-097

Harmonic Measure of Curves in the Disk
Donald E. Marshall and Carl Sundberg
MSRI Preprint #1995-098

The Complete Classification of Rational Preperiodic Points of Quadratic Polynomials over $\mathbb Q$: A Refined Conjecture
Bjorn Poonen
MSRI Preprint #1995-099

Infinite dimensional families of locally nonsolvable partial differential operators
Michael Christ, Georgi Karadzhov, and Detlef Müller
MSRI Preprint #1995-100

Reducing Essential Eigenvalues in the Boundary of the Numerical Range
Norberto Salinas and Maria Victoria Velasco
MSRI Preprint #1995-101

Canonical models for $\aleph_1$-combinatorics
Saharon Shelah and Jindrich Zapletal
MSRI Preprint #1995-102

Algebras associated with Blaschke products of type G
Carroll Guillory and Kin Y. Li
MSRI Preprint #1995-103

Surgery on postcritically finite rational maps by blowing up an arc
Kevin Pilgrim and Tan Lei
MSRI Preprint #1995-104

Extremal solutions of the two-dimensional $L$-problem of moments, II
Mihai Putinar
MSRI Preprint #1995-105

Approximation by analytic matrix functions. The four block problem
Vladimir Peller and Sergei Treil
MSRI Preprint #1995-106