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MSRI Preprints: 1996

The MSRI preprint series in years 1995–2005. Please consult the Author Index or go directly to the desired year.

1995 - 1996 - 1997 - 1998 - 1999 - 2000 - 2001 - 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - Author Index

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A Primer of Mathematical Writing
Steven G. Krantz
MSRI Preprint #1996-001

The Krein spectral shift and rank one perturbations of spectra
Alexei G. Poltoratski
MSRI Preprint #1996-002

On totally real spheres in complex space
Xianghong Gong
MSRI Preprint #1996-003

An Example of a Domain with Non-Compact Automorphism Group
Siqi Fu and Alexander V. Isaev and Steven G. Krantz
MSRI Preprint #1996-004

Hodge theory in the Sobolev topology for the de Rham complex
Luigi Fontana and Steven G. Krantz and Marco M. Peloso
MSRI Preprint #1996-005

Elliptic boundary value problems for the inhomogeneous Laplace equation on bounded domains
Steven G. Krantz and Song-Ying Li
MSRI Preprint #1996-006

Hardy classes, integral operators, and duality on spaces of homogeneous type
Steven G. Krantz and Song-Ying Li
MSRI Preprint #1996-007

Unconditional bases of invariant subspaces of a contraction with finite defects
Serguei Treil
MSRI Preprint #1996-008

Analytic hypoellipticity in dimension two
Michael Christ
MSRI Preprint #1996-009

Divergence of projective structures and lengths of measured laminations
Harumi Tanigawa
MSRI Preprint #1996-010

Complex dynamics in several variables
John Smillie and Gregery T. Buzzard
MSRI Preprint #1996-011

On local coefficients for non-generic representations of some classical groups
Solomon Friedberg and David Goldberg
MSRI Preprint #1996-012

Equivariant Holomorphic Morse Inequalities II: Torus and Non-Abelian Group Actions
Siye Wu
MSRI Preprint #1996-013

Homogeneous Special Geometry
Vicente Cortés
MSRI Preprint #1996-014

An interpolation theorem for holomorphic automorphisms of C^n
Gregery T. Buzzard and Franc Forstneric
MSRI Preprint #1996-015

A Tverberg-type result on multicolored simplices
János Pach
MSRI Preprint #1996-016

On Pisier's construction of a polynomially bounded operator not similar to a contraction
John E. McCarthy
MSRI Preprint #1996-017

Intermediate Optimal Gevrey Exponents Occur
Michael Christ
MSRI Preprint #1996-018

Quasiconformality and geometrical finiteness in Carnot–Carathéodory and negatively curved spaces
Boris Apanasov
MSRI Preprint #1996-019

Value Distribution for Sequences of Rational Mappings and Complex Dynamics
Alexander Russakovskii and Bernard Shiffman
MSRI Preprint #1996-020

A Carleman type theorem for proper holomorphic embeddings
Gregery T. Buzzard and Franc Forstneric
MSRI Preprint #1996-021

Nevanlinna Theory and Rational Points
Junjiro Noguchi
MSRI Preprint #1996-022

On Holomorphic Curves in Semi-Abelian Varieties
Junjiro Noguchi
MSRI Preprint #1996-023

Fuchsian Groups, Quasiconformal Groups, and Conical Limit Sets
Peter W. Jones and Lesley A. Ward
MSRI Preprint #1996-024

An estimate for the Gauss curvature of minimal surfaces in ${\mathbb R}^m$ whose Gauss map omits a set of hyperplanes
Robert Osserman and Min Ru
MSRI Preprint #1996-025

A mixed Hodge structure on a CR manifold
Takao Akahori
MSRI Preprint #1996-026

On the Boundary Orbit Accumulation Set for a Domain with Non-Compact Automorphism Group
Alexander V. Isaev and Steven G. Krantz
MSRI Preprint #1996-027

Vanishing sums of $m$th roots of unity in finite fields
T. Y. Lam and K. H. Leung
MSRI Preprint #1996-028

Rigidity of irreducible Hermitian symmetric spaces of the compact type under Kähler deformation
Jun-Muk Hwang and Ngaiming Mok
MSRI Preprint #1996-029

Generalized Bergmann Metrics and Invariance of Plurigenera
Hajime Tsuji
MSRI Preprint #1996-030

Paraexponentials, Muckenhoupt weights, and resolvents of paraproducts
Cristina Pereyra and Lesley Ward
MSRI Preprint #1996-031

A note on the M*-limiting convolution body
Antonis Tsolomitis
MSRI Preprint #1996-032

Low M*-estimates on coordinate subspaces
Apostolos A. Giannopoulos and Vitali D. Milman
MSRI Preprint #1996-033

On Various Modes of Scalar Convergence in $L_0 ( \frak X )$
S. J. Dilworth and Maria Girardi
MSRI Preprint #1996-034

1-complemented subspaces of spaces with 1-unconditional bases
Beata Randrianantoanina
MSRI Preprint #1996-035

Uniformly distributed distances: A geometric application of Janson's inequality
János Pach and Joel Spencer
MSRI Preprint #1996-036

The Singly Periodic Genus-One Helicoid
David Hoffman, Fusheng Wei, and Hermann Karcher
MSRI Preprint #1996-037

Covering numbers and "low M*-estimate" for quasi-convex bodies
A. E. Litvak, V. D. Milman, and A. Pajor
MSRI Preprint #1996-038

Functions which are almost multipliers of Hilbert function spaces
James Agler and Nicholas John Young
MSRI Preprint #1996-039

Products of Block Toeplitz operators
Caixing Gu and Dechao Zheng
MSRI Preprint #1996-040

The semi-commutator of Toeplitz operators on the bidisc
Caixing Gu and Dechao Zheng
MSRI Preprint #1996-041

Conjugate operators for finite maximal subdiagonal algebras
Narcisse Randrianantoanina
MSRI Preprint #1996-042

Classifications of Non-negative Solutions to Some Elliptic Problems
Yuan Lou and Meijun Zhu
MSRI Preprint #1996-043

S-Shaped global bifurcation curve of positive solutions to a prey-predator model
Yihong Du and Yuan Lou
MSRI Preprint #1996-044

On diffusion-induced blowups in a cooperative model
Yuan Lou and Wei-Ming Ni
MSRI Preprint #1996-045

Excision in Banach simplicial and cyclic cohomology
Zinaida A. Lykova
MSRI Preprint #1996-046

Almost orthogonal submatrices of an orthogonal matrix
Mark Rudelson
MSRI Preprint #1996-047

On the Profinite Topology on Doubles of Groups
Rita Gitik
MSRI Preprint #1996-048

Finitely Smooth Reinhardt Domains with Non-Compact Automorphism Group
Steven G. Krantz and Alexander V. Isaev
MSRI Preprint #1996-049

Canonical systems and finite rank perturbations of spectra
Alexei G. Poltoratski
MSRI Preprint #1996-050

Toric Intersection Theory for Affine Root Counting
J. Maurice Rojas
MSRI Preprint #1996-051

On Hyper Kähler manifolds associated to Lagrangean Kähler submanifolds of $T^*{\Bbb C}^n$
Vicente Cortés
MSRI Preprint #1996-052

Symbolic Dynamics and Markov Partitions
Roy Adler
MSRI Preprint #1996-053

The algebraic dimension of compact complex threefolds with vanishing second Betti number
Frédéric Campana, Jean-Pierre Demailly, and Thomas Peternell
MSRI Preprint #1996-054

Towards a Mori theory on compact Kähler threefolds, II
Thomas Peternell
MSRI Preprint #1996-055

Rational curves and ampleness properties of the tangent bundle of algebraic varieties
Frédéric Campana and Thomas Peternell
MSRI Preprint #1996-056

An Algebraic Annulus Theorem
Peter Scott and Gadde A. Swarup
MSRI Preprint #1996-057

Homotopy Hyperbolic 3-Manifolds are Hyperbolic
David Gabai, G. Robert Meyerhoff, and Nathaniel Thurston
MSRI Preprint #1996-058

Topological arrangement of curves of degree 6 on cubic surfaces in ${\Bbb R} P^3$
G. Mikhalkin
MSRI Preprint #1996-059

Random vectors in the isotropic position
Mark Rudelson
MSRI Preprint #1996-060

Adjunction inequality for real algebraic curves
G. Mikhalkin
MSRI Preprint #1996-061

Bending deformations of complex hyperbolic surfaces
Boris Apanasov
MSRI Preprint #1996-062

On the homology cobordism group of homology 3-spheres
Nikolai Saveliev
MSRI Preprint #1996-063

A Standard Form for Incompressible Surfaces in a Handlebody
Linda E. Green
MSRI Preprint #1996-064

Cannon-Thurston Maps for Trees of Hyperbolic Metric Spaces
Mahan Mitra
MSRI Preprint #1996-065

Asymptotic geometry and conformal types of Carnot–Carathéodory spaces
Vladimir A. Zorich
MSRI Preprint #1996-066

Combinatorics and topology of stratifications of the space of monic polynomials with real coefficients
Volkmar Welker and Boris Shapiro
MSRI Preprint #1996-067

Preservation of the absolutely continuous spectrum of Schrödinger equation under perturbations by slowly decreasing potentials and a.e. convergence of integral operators
Alexander Kiselev
MSRI Preprint #1996-068

An interpolation theorem related to the a.e. convergence of integral operators
Alexander Kiselev
MSRI Preprint #1996-069

Certain Applications of the Burnside Rings and Ghost Rings in the Representation Theory of Finite Groups (II)
K. K. Nwabueze and F. Van Oystaeyen
MSRI Preprint #1996-070

A topological method to compute spectral flow
Dave Auckly
MSRI Preprint #1996-071

Quantization of the algebra of chord diagrams
Jørgen Ellegaard Andersen, Josef Mattes, and Nicolai Reshetikhin
MSRI Preprint #1996-072

Hyperbolic Reinhardt Domains in ${\Bbb C}^2$ with Noncompact Automorphism Group
Alexander V. Isaev and Steven G. Krantz
MSRI Preprint #1996-073

Homeomorphisms of 3-manifolds and the realization of Nielsen Number
Boju Jiang, Shicheng Wang, and Ying-Qing Wu
MSRI Preprint #1996-074

Extensions and Corrections for: "A Convex Geometric Approach to Counting the Roots of a Polynomial System"
J. Maurice Rojas
MSRI Preprint #1996-075

$\overline{\partial}$-Neumann Problem in the Sobolev Topology
Luigi Fontana, Steven G. Krantz, and Marco M. Peloso
MSRI Preprint #1996-076

Some definition of the Artin exponent of finite groups
K. K. Nwabueze
MSRI Preprint #1996-077

Mixing Mathematics and Materials
David Hoffman
MSRI Preprint #1996-078

Class 2 Moufang loops, small Frattini Moufang loops, and code loops
Tim Hsu
MSRI Preprint #1996-079

Proper and Unit Trapezoid Orders and Graphs
Kenneth P. Bogart, Rolf H. Möhring, and Stephen P. Ryan
MSRI Preprint #1996-080

Ping-Pong on Negatively Curved Groups
Rita Gitik
MSRI Preprint #1996-081

Application of the Complex Monge–Ampère Equation to the Study of Proper Holomorphic Mappings of Strictly Pseudoconvex Domains
Steven G. Krantz and Song-Ying Li
MSRI Preprint #1996-082

Schubert polynomials, the Bruhat order, and the geometry of flag manifolds
Nantel Bergeron and Frank Sottile
MSRI Preprint #1996-083

On $k$-ordered Hamiltonian Graphs
Gabor N. Sarkozy and Stanley Selkow
MSRI Preprint #1996-084

An Algorithmic Version of the Blow-up Lemma
János Komlós, Gabor N. Sarkozy, and Endre Szemerédi
MSRI Preprint #1996-085

Contractible open 3-manifolds with free covering translation groups
Robert Myers
MSRI Preprint #1996-086

${\bf R}^2$-irreducible universal covering spaces of ${\bf P}^2$-irreducible open 3-manifolds
Robert Myers
MSRI Preprint #1996-087

Maximal Nilpotent Quotients of 3-Manifold Groups
Peter Teichner
MSRI Preprint #1996-088

Subspace Arrangements over Finite Fields: Cohomological and Enumerative Properties
Anders Björner and Torsten Ekedahl
MSRI Preprint #1996-089

The number of k-faces of a simple d-polytope
Anders Björner and Svante Linusson
MSRI Preprint #1996-090

Trapezoid Order Classification
Stephen Ryan
MSRI Preprint #1996-091

Graph-Based Logic and Sketches II: Finite-Product Categories and Equational Logic (Preliminary Report)
Atish Bagchi and Charles Wells
MSRI Preprint #1996-092

Seiberg–Witten Monopoles on Seifert Fibered Spaces
Tomasz S. Mrowka, Peter S. Ozsváth, and Baozhen Yu
MSRI Preprint #1996-093