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MSRI Preprints: 1997

The MSRI preprint series in years 1995–2005. Please consult the Author Index or go directly to the desired year.

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Piles of Cubes, Monotone Path Polytopes and Hyperplane Arrangements
Christos A. Athanasiadis
MSRI Preprint #1997-001

On a Refined Stark Conjecture for Function Fields
Cristian D. Popescu
MSRI Preprint #1997-002

Gras-Type Conjectures for Function Fields
Cristian D. Popescu
MSRI Preprint #1997-003

On the Profinite Topology on Negatively Curved Groups
Rita Gitik
MSRI Preprint #1997-004

Polynomial Retracts and the Jacobian Conjecture
Vladimir Shpilrain and Jie-Tai Yu
MSRI Preprint #1997-005

Floer homology of Brieskorn homology spheres: solution to Atiyah's problem
Nikolai Saveliev
MSRI Preprint #1997-006

Geometry and topology of complex hyperbolic and CR-manifolds
Boris Apanasov
MSRI Preprint #1997-007

The Symmetry of Intersection Numbers in Group Theory
Peter Scott
MSRI Preprint #1997-008

Confidence Regions for Means of Multivariate Normal Distributions and a Non-Symmetric Correlation Inequality for Gaussian Measure
Stanislaw J. Szarek and Elisabeth Werner
MSRI Preprint #1997-009

Metric Entropy of Homogeneous Spaces
Stanislaw J. Szarek
MSRI Preprint #1997-010

Retardation of Plateau–Rayleigh Instability: A Distinguishing Characteristic Among Perfectly Wetting Fluids
John McCuan
MSRI Preprint #1997-011

Some Remarks on Real and Complex Output Feedback
Joachim Rosenthal and Frank Sottile
MSRI Preprint #1997-012

Knots, Links, and 4-Manifolds
Ronald J. Stern and Ronald Fintushel
MSRI Preprint #1997-013

The Tutte dichromate and Whitney homology of matroids
David G. Wagner
MSRI Preprint #1997-014

A fake smooth ${\bf CP}^2\#{\bf RP}^4$
Daniel Ruberman and Ronald J. Stern
MSRI Preprint #1997-015

Some New Applications of Toric Geometry
J. Maurice Rojas
MSRI Preprint #1997-016

Toric Generalized Characteristic Polynomials
J. Maurice Rojas
MSRI Preprint #1997-017

Exact enumeration of 1342-avoiding permutations: A close link with labeled trees and planar maps
Miklós Bóna
MSRI Preprint #1997-018

On the Profinite Topology on Doubles of Groups, II
Rita Gitik
MSRI Preprint #1997-019

A Simple Bijection for the Regions of the Shi Arrangement of Hyperplanes
Christos A. Athanasiadis and Svante Linusson
MSRI Preprint #1997-020

Twisted Incidence Algebras and Kazhdan–Lusztig–Stanley functions
Francesco Brenti
MSRI Preprint #1997-021

Absolutely continuous spectrum of perturbed Stark operators
Alexander Kiselev
MSRI Preprint #1997-022

On two-generator satellite knots
Steven A. Bleiler and Amelia C. Jones
MSRI Preprint #1997-023

On invariants and homology of spaces of knots in arbitrary manifolds
Victor A. Vassiliev
MSRI Preprint #1997-024

Sierksma's Dutch Cheese Problem
K. S. Sarkaria
MSRI Preprint #1997-025

A Combinatorial proof of a result of Hetyei and Reiner on Foata–Strehl type permutation trees
Miklós Bóna
MSRI Preprint #1997-026

Explicit irreducible representations of the Iwahori–Hecke algebra of type $F_4$
Arun Ram and D. E. Taylor
MSRI Preprint #1997-027

On a computer recognition of 3-manifolds
Sergei V. Matveev
MSRI Preprint #1997-028

A Suspension Lemma for Bounded Posets
Jörg Rambau
MSRI Preprint #1997-029

On Subdivision Posets of Cyclic Polytopes
Paul H. Edelman, Jörg Rambau and Victor Reiner
MSRI Preprint #1997-030

A simple polynomial time algorithm to approximate the permanent within a simply exponential factor
Alexander Barvinok
MSRI Preprint #1997-031

Seiberg-Witten theory and $Z/2^p$ actions on spin 4-manifolds
Jim Bryan
MSRI Preprint #1997-032

Continuity principle and extension properties of meromorphic mappings with values in non Kähler manifolds
Sergei Ivashkovich
MSRI Preprint #1997-033

Continued Fractions and Unique Additive Partitions
David J. Grabiner
MSRI Preprint #1997-034

Dehn surgery on arboresent knots and links -- a survey
Ying-Qing Wu
MSRI Preprint #1997-035

Non-integral toroidal surgery on hyperbolic knots in $S^3$
Cameron McA. Gordon, Ying-Qing Wu, and Xingru Zhang
MSRI Preprint #1997-036

Combinatorial methods in Dehn surgery
Cameron McA. Gordon
MSRI Preprint #1997-037

Sutured manifold hierarchies, essential laminations, and Dehn surgery
Ying-Qing Wu
MSRI Preprint #1997-038

On denominators of the Kontsevich integral and the universal perturbative invariant of 3-manifolds
Thang T. Q. Le
MSRI Preprint #1997-039

Order complexes of noncomplemented lattices are nonevasive
Dmitry Kozlov
MSRI Preprint #1997-040

A Polynomial Time Algorithm for Vertex Enumeration and Optimization over Shaped Partition Polytopes
Frank K. Hwang, Shmuel Onn, and Uriel G. Rothblum
MSRI Preprint #1997-041

Low-Dimensional Representations of the Special Linear Group in Cross-Characteristics
Robert M. Guralnick and Pham Huu Tiep
MSRI Preprint #1997-042

Diagrams of classifying spaces and k-fold Boolean algebras
Eric Babson and Dmitry Kozlov
MSRI Preprint #1997-043

Littlewood-Richardson semigroups
Andrei Zelevinsky
MSRI Preprint #1997-044

Asymptotic Redundancies for Universal Quantum Coding
Christian Krattenthaler and Paul B. Slater
MSRI Preprint #1997-045

Proof of a determinant evaluation conjectured by Bombieri, Hunt and van der Poorten
Christian Krattenthaler and Doron Zeilberger
MSRI Preprint #1997-046

On weights of l-adic representation
Serguei Tankeev
MSRI Preprint #1997-047

Enumerating representations in finite wreath products
Thomas Müller
MSRI Preprint #1997-048

On Rigidity and the Albanese Variety for Parallelizable Manifolds
Jörg Winkelmann
MSRI Preprint #1997-049

Flat Vector Bundles over Parallelizable Manifolds
Jörg Winkelmann
MSRI Preprint #1997-050

Separated nets in Euclidean space and Jacobians of biLipschitz maps
Dimitri Burago and Bruce Kleiner
MSRI Preprint #1997-051

Finite-volume hyperbolic 4-manifolds that share a fundamental polyhedron
Dubravko Ivansic
MSRI Preprint #1997-052

Spin^c structures and homotopy equivalences
Robert E. Gompf
MSRI Preprint #1997-053

Complexes of not i-connected graphs
Eric Babson, Anders Björner, Svante Linusson, John Shareshian, and Volkmar Welker
MSRI Preprint #1997-054

2-stack sortable permutations with a given number of runs
Miklós Bóna
MSRI Preprint #1997-055

Toroidal and annular Dehn fillings
Cameron McA. Gordon and Ying-Qing Wu
MSRI Preprint #1997-056

Alexander Duality, Gropes and Link Homotopy
Vyacheslav S. Krushkal and Peter Teichner
MSRI Preprint #1997-057

Quantization of Presymplectic Manifolds and Circle Actions
Ana Canas da Silva, Yael Karshon, and Susan Tolman
MSRI Preprint #1997-058

Extended Linial Hyperplane Arrangements for Root Systems and a Conjecture of Postnikov and Stanley
Christos A. Athanasiadis
MSRI Preprint #1997-059

Basic analog of Fourier series on a q-quadratic grid
Joaquin Bustoz and Sergei K. Suslov
MSRI Preprint #1997-060

Scharlemann's manifold is standard
Selman Akbulut
MSRI Preprint #1997-061

Pieri-type formulas for maximal isotropic Grassmannians via triple intersections
Frank Sottile
MSRI Preprint #1997-062

Numerical Schubert Calculus
Birkett Huber, Frank Sottile, and Bernd Sturmfels
MSRI Preprint #1997-063

Compactifying sufficiently regular covering spaces of compact 3-manifolds
Robert Myers
MSRI Preprint #1997-064

q-Rook polynomials and matrices over finite fields
James Haglund
MSRI Preprint #1997-065

Linear inequalities for flags in graded posets
Louis J. Billera and Gábor Hetyei
MSRI Preprint #1997-066

Absolutely continuous spectrum for one-dimensional Schödinger operators with slowly decaying potentials: some optimal results
Michael Christ and Alexander Kiselev
MSRI Preprint #1997-067

Extension of incompressible surfaces on the boundary of 3-manifolds
Michael Freedman, Hugh Howards, and Ying-Qing Wu
MSRI Preprint #1997-068

Topology of two-connected graphs and homology of spaces of knots
Victor A. Vassiliev
MSRI Preprint #1997-069

Some orthogonal very-well-poised $_8\varphi_7$-functions that generalize Askey–Wilson polynomials
Sergei K. Suslov
MSRI Preprint #1997-070

Additivity of Tunnel Number for Small Knots
Jennifer Schultens
MSRI Preprint #1997-071

Motion by weighted mean curvature is affine invariant
Jean Taylor
MSRI Preprint #1997-072

A monoid for the universal k-Bruhat order
Nantel Bergeron and Frank Sottile
MSRI Preprint #1997-073

Cutting Sequences for Geodesic Flow on the Modular Surface and Continued Fractions
David J. Grabiner and Jeffrey C. Lagarias
MSRI Preprint #1997-074

Obstructions to Shellability
Michelle L. Wachs
MSRI Preprint #1997-075

The tunnel number of the connect sum of n knots is at least n
Martin Scharlemann and Jennifer Schultens
MSRI Preprint #1997-076

Vertex theorems for capillary drops on support planes
Robert Finn and John McCuan
MSRI Preprint #1997-077

Bases in Systems of Simplices and Chambers
Tatiana Alekseyevskaya
MSRI Preprint #1997-078

The combinatorics of Steenrod operations on the cohomology of Grassmannians
Cristian Lenart
MSRI Preprint #1997-079

The Fixed Point Property for Posets of Small Width
Jonathan David Farley
MSRI Preprint #1997-080 was renumbered 1998-017

Chain Decomposition Theorems for Ordered Sets (and Other Musings)
Jonathan David Farley
MSRI Preprint #1997-081

Combinatorial Representation Theory
Hélène Barcelo and Arun Ram
MSRI Preprint #1997-082

Residue symbols and Jantzen–Seitz partitions
Christine Bessenrodt and Jørn B. Olsson
MSRI Preprint #1997-083

Nonhyperbolic Dehn fillings on hyperbolic 3-manifolds
Mario Eudave-Muñoz and Ying-Qing Wu
MSRI Preprint #1997-084

Genus two Heegaard splittings of orientable three-manifolds
Hyam Rubinstein and Martin Scharlemann
MSRI Preprint #1997-085

Brownian Motion in a Weyl Chamber, Non-Colliding Particles, and Random Matrices
David J. Grabiner
MSRI Preprint #1997-086

Manifolds not containing Gompf nuclei
András I. Stipsicz
MSRI Preprint #1997-087

Gauge Symmetry and Integrable Models
Shao-Shiung Lin, Oktay K. Pashaev and Shi-Shyr Roan
MSRI Preprint #1997-088

Skein Modules and Lattice Gauge Field Theory
Doug Bullock, Charles Frohman, and Joanna Kania-Bartoszynska
MSRI Preprint #1997-089

Doubles of Groups and Hyperbolic LERF 3-Manifolds
Rita Gitik
MSRI Preprint #1997-090

The Quantum Dynamics of the Compactified Trigonometric Ruijsenaars–Schneider Model
Jan Felipe van Diejen and Luc Vinet
MSRI Preprint #1997-091

The number of rhombus tilings of a "punctured" hexagon and the minor summation formula
Soichi Okada and Christian Krattenthaler
MSRI Preprint #1997-092

Low regularity semi-linear wave equations
Terence Tao
MSRI Preprint #1997-093

Correlation between pole location and asymptotic behavior for Painlevé I solutions
Ovidiu Costin
MSRI Preprint #1997-094

3-manifolds as viewed from the curve complex
John Hempel
MSRI Preprint #1997-095

Skew Schubert functions and the Pieri formula for flag manifolds
Nantel Bergeron and Frank Sottile
MSRI Preprint #1997-096

$L^p$ bounds for singular integrals and maximal singular integrals with rough kernels
Loukas Grafakos and Atanas Stefanov
MSRI Preprint #1997-097

Variational evolution problems and nonlocal geometric motion
Mikhail Feldman
MSRI Preprint #1997-098

Embedded minimal ends asymptotic to the helicoid
John McCuan and David Hoffman
MSRI Preprint #1997-099

Poincaré inequalities and quasiconformal structure on the boundary of some hyperbolic buildings
Marc Bourdon and Hervé Pajot
MSRI Preprint #1997-100

Singular normal form for the Painlevé equation P1
Ovidiu Costin and Rodica Daniela Costin
MSRI Preprint #1997-101

Involutions on Moduli Spaces and Refinements of the Verlinde Formula
Jørgen Ellegaard Andersen and Gregor Masbaum
MSRI Preprint #1997-102

Bellman functions and two weight inequalities for Haar multipliers
Fedor Nazarov, Sergei Treil, and Alexander Volberg
MSRI Preprint #1997-103

Weak type estimates and Cotlar inequalities for Calderón–Zygmund operators in nonhomogeneous spaces
Fedor Nazarov, Sergei Treil, and Alexander Volberg
MSRI Preprint #1997-104

The Calderón Commutator Along a Parabola
Anthony Carbery, Steve Hofmann, and James Wright
MSRI Preprint #1997-105

Singular Integrals Associated to Hypersurfaces: $L^2$ Theory
Stephen Wainger, James Wright, and Sarah Ziesler
MSRI Preprint #1997-106

Domains with Non-Compact Automorphism Group: A Survey
Alexander V. Isaev and Steven G. Krantz
MSRI Preprint #1997-107

Vortex Dynamics for the Ginzburg–Landau–Schrödinger Equation
James E. Colliander and Robert L. Jerrard
MSRI Preprint #1997-108

Completely regular multivariate stationary process and the Muckenhoupt condition
Sergei Treil and Alexander Volberg
MSRI Preprint #1997-109

A sharp Schwarz inequality on the boundary
Robert Osserman
MSRI Preprint #1997-110

Deformations and stability in complex hyperbolic geometry
Boris Apanasov
MSRI Preprint #1997-111

Introduction to the non-linear trace theory and generalised boundary value problems
Laurent Véron
MSRI Preprint #1997-112