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MSRI Preprints: 1999

The MSRI preprint series in years 1995–2005. Please consult the Author Index or go directly to the desired year.

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A Conditioning Function for the Convergence of Numerical ODE Solvers and Lyapunov's Theory of Stability
Divakar Viswanath
MSRI Preprint #1999-001

Ambient Surfaces and T-Fillings of T-curves
Bertrand Haas
MSRI Preprint #1999-002

Ultimate Polynomial Time
Gregorio Malajovich
MSRI Preprint #1999-003

Lower bounds for some decision problems over $\mathbb C$
Gregorio Malajovich
MSRI Preprint #1999-004

Toric Newton Method for Polynomial Homotopies
Jan Verschelde
MSRI Preprint #1999-005

Factorisation free decomposition algorithms in differential algebra
Evelyne Hubert
MSRI Preprint #1999-006

Parallel Complexity of Computations with General and Toeplitz-like Matrices Filled with Integers and Extensions
Victor Y. Pan
MSRI Preprint #1999-007

A note on non-complete problems in $N_R$
S. Ben-David, K. Meer and C. Michaux
MSRI Preprint #1999-008

Condition number bounds for problems with integer coefficients
Gregorio Malajovich
MSRI Preprint #1999-009

The moduli space of (1,11)-polarized abelian surfaces is unirational
Mark Gross and Sorin Popescu
MSRI Preprint #1999-010

New Deterministic Parallel Algorithms for the Characteristic Polynomial of a Matrix over Abstract Fields
Victor Pan
MSRI Preprint #1999-011

New Techniques for Decoding the BCH Error-Correcting Codes
Victor Pan
MSRI Preprint #1999-012

Fast Cauchy-like and Singular Toeplitz-like Matrix Computations
Victor Pan and Ailong Zheng
MSRI Preprint #1999-013

Bisection Acceleration for the Symmetric Tridiagonal Eigenvalue Problem
Victor Pan and Elliot Linzer
MSRI Preprint #1999-014

Methods for the approximation of the matrix exponential in a Lie-algebraic setting
Elena Celledoni and Arieh Iserles
MSRI Preprint #1999-015

Supersingular abelian varieties over finite fields
Hui Zhu
MSRI Preprint #1999-016

The Expected Number of Real Roots of a Multihomogeneous System of Polynomial Equations
Andrew McLennan
MSRI Preprint #1999-017

Posets That Locally Resemble Distributive Lattices: An Extension of Stanley's Theorem
Jonathan David Farley and Stefan E. Schmidt
MSRI Preprint #1999-018

Coproducts of Bounded Distributive Lattices: Cancellation (A Banff Conference Problem)
Jonathan David Farley
MSRI Preprint #1999-019

Pole dynamics for elliptic solutions of the Korteweg–deVries equation
Bernard Deconinck and Harvey Segur
MSRI Preprint #1999-020

Computations with Structured Matrices
Victor Y. Pan and Brian Murphy and Rhys Eric Rosholt
MSRI Preprint #1999-021

Shifted Quasi-Symmetric Functions and the Hopf algebra of peak functions
Nantel Bergeron and Stefan Mykytiuk and Frank Sottile and Stephanie van Willigenburg
MSRI Preprint #1999-022

Weak Convergence and Deterministic Approach to Turbulent Diffusion
Claude Bardos, Jean Michel Ghidaglia, and Spyridon Kamvissis
MSRI Preprint #1999-023

A Simple Approach to Global Regime of the Random Matrix Theory
Leonid Pastur
MSRI Preprint #1999-024

Real Rational Curves in Grassmannians
Frank Sottile
MSRI Preprint #1999-025

Universality and Scaling of Correlations Between Zeros on Complex Manifolds
Pavel Bleher, Bernard Shiffman, and Steve Zelditch
MSRI Preprint #1999-026

Poincaré–Lelong Approach to Universality and Scaling of Correlations Between Zeros
Pavel Bleher, Bernard Shiffman, and Steve Zelditch
MSRI Preprint #1999-027

Pieri Homotopies for Problems in Enumerative Geometry applied to Pole Placement in Linear Systems Control
Birkett Huber and Jan Verschelde
MSRI Preprint #1999-028

Reflectionless Schrödinger operators, the dynamics of zeros, and the solitonic Sato formula
Jan Felipe van Diejen and Heinrich Puschmann
MSRI Preprint #1999-029

Free Fisher information with respect to a completely positive map and cost of equivalence relations
Dimitri Shlyakhtenko
MSRI Preprint #1999-030

On the Bilinear Equations for Fredholm Determinants Appearing in Random Matrices
John Harnad
MSRI Preprint #1999-031

Computing Gröbner Fans of Toric Ideals
Birk Huber and Rekha Thomas
MSRI Preprint #1999-032

A unified superfast divide-and-conquer algorithm for structured matrices over abstract fields
Victor Pan
MSRI Preprint #1999-033

New Arithmetic Filter for the Sign of the Determinant of a Matrix
Victor Pan
MSRI Preprint #1999-034

Improving erasure-resilient encoding/decoding by combining Cauchy and Hankel/Toeplitz matrix structure
Victor Pan
MSRI Preprint #1999-035

Lagrangian Subbundles and Codimension 3 Subcanonical Subschemes
David Eisenbud, Sorin Popescu, and Charles Walter
MSRI Preprint #1999-036

Enriques Surfaces and other Non-Pfaffian Subcanonical Subschemes of Codimension 3
David Eisenbud, Sorin Popescu, and Charles Walter
MSRI Preprint #1999-037

Numerical homotopies to compute generic points on positive dimensional algebraic sets
Andrew J. Sommese and Jan Verschelde
MSRI Preprint #1999-038

Asymptotics via Steepest Descent for an Operator Riemann–Hilbert Problem
Spyridon Kamvissis
MSRI Preprint #1999-039

S-convexity, model sets and their relation
Zuzana Masáková, Jirí Patera, and Edita Pelantová
MSRI Preprint #1999-040

Polynomial Homotopies for Dense, Sparse and Determinantal Systems
Jan Verschelde
MSRI Preprint #1999-041

Commutative Partial Differential Operators
Alex Kasman and Emma Previato
MSRI Preprint #1999-042

A sagbi basis for the quantum Grassmannian
Frank Sottile and Bernd Sturmfels
MSRI Preprint #1999-043

Existence of geometrically simple ordinary abelian varieties over a fixed finite field
Hui Zhu
MSRI Preprint #1999-044

A note on the Lax pairs for Painlevé equations
Andrei A. Kapaev and Evelyne Hubert
MSRI Preprint #1999-045

On the Geometry of Graeffe Iteration
Gregorio Malajovich and Jorge P. Zubelli
MSRI Preprint #1999-046

Tangent Graeffe Iteration
Gregorio Malajovich and Jorge P. Zubelli
MSRI Preprint #1999-047

Factorization of piecewise constant matrix functions and systems of linear differential equations
Torsten Ehrhardt and Ilya M. Spitkovsky
MSRI Preprint #1999-048

Topology of algebraic varieties
Fouad Elzein and András Némethi
MSRI Preprint #1999-049

Parusinski's "Key Lemma" via Algebraic Geometry
Zinovy Reichstein and Boris Youssin
MSRI Preprint #1999-050

Rational Hypergeometric Functions
Eduardo Cattani, Alicia Dickenstein, and Bernd Sturmfels
MSRI Preprint #1999-051

The Quantum Groups $\overline{U}_q( sl_2)$ at the Roots of Unity, Self-Duality and Ascent
Lars Kadison
MSRI Preprint #1999-052

Computing Riemann matrices of algebraic curves
Bernard Deconinck and Mark van Hoeij
MSRI Preprint #1999-053

Linear systems attached to cyclic inertia
Marco A Garuti
MSRI Preprint #1999-054

Title: Déformations formelles de revêtements: un principe local-global
José Bertin and Ariane Mézard
MSRI Preprint #1999-055

Polar Varieties and Efficient Real Elimination
Bernd Bank, Marc Giusti, Joos Heintz, and Guy Merlin Mbakop
MSRI Preprint #1999-056

Hyperplane Arrangement Cohomology and Monomials in the Exterior Algebra
David Eisenbud, Sorin Popescu, and Sergey Yuzvinsky
MSRI Preprint #1999-057

Syzygies of Unimodular Lawrence Ideals
Dave Bayer, Sorin Popescu, and Bernd Sturmfels
MSRI Preprint #1999-058